
Seamlessly validate forms and file uploads with CodeIgniter

Posted by Danny Herran on Jul 12, 2014 in Backend | No comments

Form Validation CodeIgniter

The Form Validation class is great to validate simple input fields such as textareas, checkboxes, text fields, etc. But what about file inputs? If you have a mix of text and file inputs, your controller can get messy if you try to validate both. Lets take a look at a neat solution that only involves extending your Form Validation class.

How to load and use SimplePie 1.3+ with CodeIgniter 2.1+

Posted by Danny Herran on Jun 18, 2013 in Backend | 3 comments

SimplePie RSS CodeIgniter

The famous RSS parser, SimplePie, has changed a few rules in the last couple of versions. The previous methods used to install the library in CodeIgniter are now obsolete. Lets take a look at the new method to get it working in just 5 minutes.

Error Validation Class for CodeIgniter Reactor 2.0

Posted by Danny Herran on May 3, 2011 in Backend | 3 comments

CodeIgniter Error Validation Class CodeIgniter lacks of an error handling class for custom errors. The Form Validation class is very nice for forms, the logs are pretty useful as well, but what happens when we need to handle our own errors?. Currently there is no official solution for this so I decided to take the matter in my own hands.

I present you the Error Validation Class.

Exporting your MySQL table data with PHPExcel + CodeIgniter

Posted by Danny Herran on Mar 8, 2011 in Backend | 33 comments

PHPExcel + CodeIgniter Most of the time my clients need to download data from their database tables. Exporting to CSV is a pain in the rear for users and it leads to confusion (you know the colon and semicolon stuff). Today, I decided to make a very small controller that is portable and efficient for exporting full MySQL tables to Excel 2003 using PHPExcel and CodeIgniter.

Facebook PHP SDK and CodeIgniter for basic user authentication

Posted by Danny Herran on Feb 24, 2011 in Backend | 211 comments

With CodeIgniter 2, plugins are no longer an option. Usually you would just add the Facebook PHP SDK as a plugin and you were good to go, but now, you need to make a little modification to the SDK in order to use Facebook Connect on your CodeIgniter application. Lets start by explaining what is, how to get started and how to authenticate an user using the Facebook API.

CodeIgniter 2.0 is out with cool features!

Posted by Danny Herran on Feb 13, 2011 in Backend | 4 comments

I know its a bit late, CI 2.0 has been out since January 28th, 2011, but lets talk about it anyway and recapitulate some of the new features of this framework. The new stuff is great, and this time I believe it deserves a second look if you are not much into CI.

Let me thank in advance the guys of the CI team for their great work.

$_GET parameters on CodeIgniter

Posted by Danny Herran on Dec 13, 2010 in Backend | 1 comment

Yeah, it is a much discussed topic in every CI forum. I needed to set up a payment gateway and it was mandatory to receive the gateway response via $_GET, so I decided to do an investigation on the matter and this is what I came up with.

CodeIgniter 2.0 new FTP class “download” method

Posted by Danny Herran on Nov 25, 2010 in Backend | 3 comments

I needed to download some files from a remote FTP server and the store them in my website. The usual way would be to download all the files to my computer and then upload them to my website. In CodeIgniter 1.7.2 you would have to do this, however, the new CodeIgniter 2.0 has a new ‘download’ method that will make it real easy to transfer files between FTP servers.

HTML Table Class on CodeIgniter 2.0

Posted by Danny Herran on Aug 31, 2010 in Backend | 3 comments

CodeIgniter 2.0 is coming out soon, so lets start studying the changes done to the HTML Table Class in the dev-release.

One of the most requested features was the ability to set tag attributes to individual cells. On CI 2.0 this is completely possible, however, since the documentation is not fully updated yet, I decided to make this short post to explain how it works.

Create thumbnails on the fly with CodeIgniter

Posted by Danny Herran on Aug 9, 2010 in Backend | 9 comments

Before explaining the solution, you should know creating thumbnails on the fly is server inefficient, eats a lot of resources and they should be generated as soon as the images are uploaded. However, there are some occasions when we absolutely need to generate thumbs on the fly. In this article we will learn how to do this in CodeIgniter.